Sunday, September 25, 2011

Testament - Middle School Sunday School

Here is a link sharing information on the resource the middle school sunday school group of christian education has started learning about.

I believe it is helpful in trying to bring a present day feel to some of what is read in the bible. Many times the age of the bible makes it not seem relevant to present day life - both for adults, but especially for youth. It seems like it can't apply because the world of the bible seems so much different from present day life.

An archaeologist tries to share present day locations of the history of the stories found in the bible.

Testament by John Romer

Wishing you all the best in your growth of faith.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Welcome to the FCPC Christian Education Blog

Christian Education wants to welcome you to our blog and plans on sharing all that is going on with CE through this blog. We hope to make it easier to participate and deepen your relationship with God.

Please let us hear what you like, dislike, want to see, and let us know if you'd like to contribute in some way. We will use the feedback to make adjusments and improvements on our work in progress.

We're looking forward to strengthening relationships with God for our members through the various channels and opportunities in our congregation and encourage you to participate.

We pray that the Spirit will continue to work through us to bring God's message and grace to all.

Peaceful Journey & God Bless!